Conducted in
2021/SZ, 2022/SZ
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Department of Oriental Studies
Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures)
Logic 09-LOGJ-11
The course aims at familiarizing students with logical theory of the language and give practice in correct deduction. The syllabus covers the following main items: propositional calculus, elements of logical theory of the language, logical deduction.
Stanosz, B. 1985. Wprowadzenie do logiki formalnej. Warszawa: PWN. - Kmita, J. 1977. Wyklady z logiki i metodologii nauk. Warszawa: PWN. - Slupecki, J., L. Borkowski. 1984. Elementy logiki matematycznej i teorii mnogosci. Warszawa: PWN.
Additional information
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