Classical language 09-JEZKLAS-FK-12
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Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course and after its successful completion:
-students know and use grammatical terminology concerning Latin( morfology, syntax, inflection)
- students know and analyze morphological and syntactic structure of Latin
- students use different types of information sources
- students read correctly Latin text respected phonetic standards
- students read correctly Latin poetry respected standards of Latin prosody
- students know and use orthographical phenomena
- students understand and know the vocabulary include in the course
- students built short, simple sentences, use punctation marks, are able to create a short and logical text
-students are able to translate a fragment of original Latin text, inscriptions, proverbs, citations
students know the importance of Latin language and culture to European and Polish culture and tradition
Assessment criteria
Warunkiem zaliczenia przedmiotu jest zaliczenie wszystkich testów kontrolnych (minimum 60%) i prac pisemnych oraz czynny udział w zajęciach (możliwe dwie nieusprawiedliwione nieobecności w semestrze); końcowa ocena na podstawie wyniku testu pisemnego (<60% - ndst, 60-70% -dst, 71-75% - dst+, 76-85% - db, 86-90% - db+, >91%- bdb
Język łaciński, Jolanta Czyżma, Elżbieta Roguszczak, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2010
Lingua Latina,Lidia Winniczuk, PWN 1998- podręcznik do samodzielnej pracy studenta
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: