History of American Literature 09-HLAM-N-12
Student: 1. gains basic knowledge of: history of American literature, development of prevalent literary motives and forms across the ages, the most significant literary phenomena as well as works and writers in their historical context; 2. gains the understanding of: historical development of literature; relationship between composing literary works and the cultural context; 3. gains the skills necessary to: comprehend and interpret literature from different periods, comprehend and summarize scholarly articles as well as comment upon them; use properly basic literary terminology; take part in class discussions, conduct library query and research; contextualize acquired knowledge; summarize discussions and draw conclusions; work with others.
Kopcewicz Andrzej and Marta Sienicka. Historia literatury Stanów Zjednoczonych w zarysie. Wiek XVII-XIX.
Kopcewicz Andrzej and Marta Sienicka. Historia literatury Stanów Zjednoczonych w zarysie. Wiek XX.
Salska, Agnieszka (ed). Historia literatury amerykańskiej XX wieku. (Volume I and Volume II)
Elliott, Emory (ed.) Columbia Literary History of the United States.
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