Conducted in
2021/SL, 2022/SL, 2023/SL
ECTS credits:
Organized by:
Department of Oriental Studies
Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures)
Sanskrit Grammar 09-GSKT-24
Systematic treatment of all the most important aspects of Sanskrit grammar.
Arthur Anthony MacDonell, A Vedic Grammar for Students, Oxford 1916
Georg Bühler, Podręcznik sanskrytu, Warszawa 1977
Andrzej Gawroński, Podręcznik sanskytu, Warszawa 2004
Robert Goldman/Sally J. Sutherland Goldman, Devavanipraveśika. An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language, Berkeley 2004
Manfred Mayrhofer, Sanskrit-Grammatik, Berlin/New York 1978
Marek Mejor, Sanskryt, Warszawa 2000
Additional information
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