English 09-ANGHISP-14
The objective of these classes is to improve the students' practical knowledge of the English language. After completing the classes, the student will have an excellent command of the English language at an advanced level, with a very good ability to understand spoken language. The student will know vocabulary to the extent that will allow him/her to fully understand the English language as well as producing utterances in it - both colloquial, everyday English and also the formal form of it used, for example, in official media language.
The student will acquire a full knowledge of the complexities of English grammar and will be capable of producing correct sentences on a wide variety of subjects. As far as understanding is concerned, the student will be able to understand the kind of English he or she is exposed to on British or American radio and television broadcasts.
Due to the emphasis put on vocabulary and the constant exposure to original BBC recordings, the student will even be able to understand utterances spoken very fast and occurring in difficult circumstances, for instance, during a telephone conversation.
The knowledge the student acquires in the classes and his/her experience gained during the course of his/her education, allow him to continue to further improve his/her linguistic abilities on his/her own. Having completed the English course, the student's linguistic knowledge, if continued through his/her efforts, will lead to a knowledge of the language that is at a level close to that possessed by a native speaker of English.
"Oxford Dictionary of Idioms", second edition, Judith Siefring, Oxford University Press 2004
"Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs" Collins Publishers 1989
"Practical English Usage", Michael Swan, Oxford University Press 2005
"Oxford Practice Grammar", George Jule, Oxford University Press 2006
"Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation For Current English", Clive Upton, William A Kretzschmar, Jr., Rafal Konopka, Oxford University Press 2003
"Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs", HarperCollins Publishers 1985
"Cambridge International Dictionary of English", Cambridge University Press 1995
"Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture", Longman 1998
"Oxford Thesaurus". Maurice Waite Judith Siefring, Oxford University Press 2001
"Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of English", Hornby As., Oxford University Press 1981
"The Great Polish-English Dictionary", Philip Wilson. Copyright by Philip Wilson, Warszawa 1999
"The Great English-Polish Dictionary", Philip Wilson. Copyright by Philip Wilson, Warszawa 1999
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: