Methodology of Social Sciences 08-SODU-MNS
Lectures should deliver a basic knowledge about the construction of results of scientific cognition and also about foundations of scientific methods and procedures. Students gain the understanding of: the nature of social sciences; the difference between natural and social sciences; the specificity of different procedures using in science; the methodological specificity of historical sciences; the philosophical aspects of scientific investigation.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
J. Kmita, Wykłady z logiki i metodologii nauk, Warszawa 1973; E. Nagel , Struktura nauki, Warszawa 1970; Z. Hajduk, Ogólna metodologia nauk, Lublin 2001; T.Benton, I. Craib, Filozofia nauk społecznych, Wrocław 2003; A. Grobler, Metodologia nauk, Kraków 2006; S. Nowak, Metodologia badań socjologicznych, Warszawa 1970.
reading: J. Kmita, Wykłady z logiki i metodologii nauk, Warszawa 1973; E. Nagel , The Structure of Science, London 1960; Z. Hajduk, Ogólna metodologia nauk, Lublin 2001; T.Benton, I. Craib, Philosophy of Social Science: Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought, Palgrave, New York, Basingstoke 2001; A. Grobler, Metodologia nauk, Kraków 2006; . S. Nowak, Metodologia badań socjologicznych, Warszawa 1970.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: