Methods of Studying 08-SODL-MES
The course aims at familiarizing students with the organization of the studies of sociology in the Institute of Sociology, AMU and preparing them to study in the most effective way. Presenting students with formal aspects of studying and scholarship offers will help them function within university structures. Information about copyrights, data sources, written work edition, quoting and reference standards will help students write their essays and assignments including BA and MA thesis.
Students should present subjects of their choice related to effective learning methods and preparing notes and presentations. This will help students exercise methods they find suitable and practice work group and presentation. The aim of the discussion that will follow the presentation is critical analyses of the methods and the ways of presenting them.
Course coordinators
Cieciura, Marek (2007), Jak skutecznie studiować? Poradnik nie tylko dla studentów i maturzystów, Warszawa: Grafmar.
Kwiek, Marek (2004), Narodziny uniwersytetu z ducha nowoczesności. Uwagi o transformacjach instytucji w epoce globalnej, "Principia. Pisma koncepcyjne z filozofii i socjologii teoretycznej", tom xxxvii-xxxviii, ss. 45-60, Kraków.
Mills, Charles Wright (2007), Wyobraźnia socjologiczna, Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN: O rzemiośle intelektualnym (ss. 301-342).
Morison, Muray, Pey, Jim (1999), Pisanie esejów z socjologii. Poradnik dla studentów, Poznań: Zysk i S-ka.
Nęcka, Edward (2001), Psychologia twórczości, Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wyd. Psychologiczne.
Schopenhauer, Artur (2008), Erystyka czyli sztuka prowadzenia sporów, Warszawa: Skrypt.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: