Ethics in Social Work 08-PCDL-ETY
Introducing students to the main concepts of ethics of social work, discussing its essentials, gaining knowledge about axiology of social work and ethics as a source of ethical behavior and the place of philosophy of ethics in practice of social worker. Teaching different streams of philosophy of help, ethical coed and ethical dilemmas that social workers meet at work. Helping students understand individual conditioning of people's particular situations within the framework of philosophy of help, understanding nature of social work in relation to an individual, family, group, social environment. Sensitizing students to problems resulting from the social nature of people in the context of disturbed social functioning. Students gain reflection on philosophical texts analysis related to the ethics of help and human nature, comparing different concepts of ethics - their practical use to solve ethical dilemmas, understand problems of individuals, groups, societies.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
M. Bocheńska-Seweryn (red.), Wypisy z wybranych zagadnień pracy socjalnej, Kraków 1994,S. Sarnowski, Problemy etyki, Bydgoszcz 1994,,Z. Butrym, Istota pracy socjalnej, Kraków 1998.,T. Kotarbiński, Medytacje o życiu godziwym. Warszawa 1985,M. Ossowska, Wzór demokraty. Cnoty i wartości,1992,A. Olech, Etos zawodowy pracowników socjalnych, BPS, Katowice 2006, R. Skidmore, M. Thackery, Wprowadzenie do pracy socjalnej, Interart, W-wa 96. B.Dubois,K.K.Miley,Praca socjalna 1(część druga).BPS. Warszawa 1996
Additional information
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