Media theories 08-KUDU-TEM
1. How much cultural studies in media studies?
2. Contemporary multimedia culture and the spectrum of the Frankfurt School
3. Revision of the British School of Cultural Studies
4. John Fiske and contemporary popular cultures
5. Media culture as a participatory culture - new approaches
6. fetishisation of transmediality - workshops
7. Does contemporary media culture need the notion of genre?
8. television and post-television audiences on the basis of cultural studies
9. the "gender" of the media message
10. racial and ethnic discourses in the context of media research
11. the mediation of things and the enchanting of the media
12. new history of cinema and new history of the media
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
theoretical concepts of culture, which it applies from an interdisciplinary perspective
terminology and concepts concerning relations and processes taking place in culture, which can be used to describe cultural practices
changes in contemporary cultural life and terminological and conceptual tools necessary to identify, analyse and interpret new cultural practices
integrate, critically interpret and creatively use theoretical approaches and research approaches relevant to cultural studies in unusual professional situations
the importance, social impact and place of cultural productions in the historical and cultural process, using appropriate methods of analysis and interpretation
deepening cultural competences of contemporary man in the conditions of intercultural communication, meeting of different traditions and ways of life
be proactive and proactive in solving problems resulting from changes in the newest culture
Assessment criteria
Written examination
5.0 - excellent personal and social knowledge, skills and competences
4.5 - very good personal and social knowledge, skills and competences
4.0 - good personal and social knowledge, skills and competences
3.5 - Satisfactory personal and social knowledge, skills and competences, but with significant shortcomings
3.0 - satisfactory personal and social knowledge, skills and competences, but with numerous mistakes
2.0 - unsatisfactory personal and social knowledge, skills and competences
1. Magdalena Kamińska, Memosfera. Wprowadzenie do cyberkulturoznawstwa, Poznań 2017
2. Mirosław Filiciak, Media. Wersja Beta, Gdańsk 2013
3. Wiesław Godzic, Telewizja jako kultura, Kraków 2002
4. Karolina Sikorska, Kobiece gatunki telewizyjne, Toruń 2018
5. John Fiske, Zrozumieć kulturą popularną, Kraków 2010
6. Marcin Adamczak, Globalne Hollywood, Gdańsk 2010
7. Andrzej Gwóźdż, O pewnym możliwym aliansie, czyli w stronę medioznawstwa jako kulturoznawstwa, "Kultura Współczesna" 2008 nr 2
8. Scott Lash, Celia Lury, Globalne przemysły kulturowe, Kraków 2011
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: