Performances in public space 08-KUDU-MA-PPS
Presentation of different approaches towards the concept of "public space"
Places of the performances – from public to private
Places of the performances – from public to private (and back)
Outside the building – why and what for?
Street theatre – reclaiming of public nature of street.
From street theatre to theatre in public spaces.
Performance as a public act.
Performing democracy – Polish theatre in non- theatrical spaces.
Subversive potential of performing in public.
Subversive potential of performing in public.
Contemporary pracices – between subversive and normative practices.
Contemporary pracices – between subversive and normative practices.
Street Arts – impact of performance on urban development.
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
is able to understand changes in notion what "public spaces" is and the meaning of use public space as a performing area.
is able to place different performances in public spaces in culture, social and political context.
is able to analyse different performances in public spaces as subversive or normative acts.
knows the history of use public spaces as a site of discipline or contestation.
has the ability to write about performances in public spaces.
Assessment criteria
Oral exam.
It is expected that the student will be able to analyze contemporary cultural performances in public spaces, be able to give examples of subversive and normalizing performances. Will be able to recall concepts regarding changes in the perception of public space.
Practical placement
Richard Schechner, Public Domain. New York 1969, pp. 157-180, 201-228.
Hannah Arendt, Human Condition (fragments)
Radical Street Performance (ed. Jan Cohen-Cruz). New York - London 1998, pp.1-13, 74-86, 119-125, 150-160, 179-185, 196-208, 271-289.
Chantal Mouffe, The Return of the Political. London, New York 2005, 1-8.
Art in the Urban Space: Contemporary Creation as a Tool. Paris 2009, 4-8, 15-24.
David Wiles, A Short History of Western Performance Space. Cambridge 2003, 92-131.
Andy Hewitt, Privatizing the Public: Three retorics of art's public good in 'Third Way' Cultural Policy. "Art &the Public Sphere', vol. 1, 2011.
Janelle Reinelt, Rethinking the Public Sphere for a Global Age. "Performance Research", vol. 16, 2011.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: