Museology and Curatorial Practice 08-KUDL-MPK
1. Museum - from idea to the political context: France, Great Britain, Berlin
2. Collection and collecting in culture - individual passions and cultural industry
3. Critical museum - a dispute about contemporary museology
4. Ethnography - Europocentrism and intercultural relations
5. History and cultural heritage - from protection to staging the past
6. Archives as a metaphor and practice - the problem of archiving art and the artist
7. Exhibition and engineering performances: from the City of Science to the Copernicus Center
8. Contemporary art exhibiting: strategies and spaces.
9. Architecture of museums: Daniel Libeskind, Frank O. Gehry
10. Is the end of art festivals? Venice Biennale, Documenta etc.
11. Tourism in the museum: from the Bilbao effect to a museum in every city
12. From the museum of imagination to the virtual museum
13. Participants of the performance: curator, artist, spectator
14. Forms of education and organization of exhibitions in museums and galleries (classes at cultural institutions)
Module learning aims
Information on where to find course materials
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Module type
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the module (subject) and confirming the achievement of learning outcomes, the student knows the history of museum institutions (including art museums, natural, ethnographic, historical), collections and collectibles, recognizes the differences between the tasks of museums in various fields and art galleries, knows the terminology and methodology regarding historical and contemporary museology and museology, recognizes ethical issues related to intercultural relations and problems of ownership of objects, knows the specifics and principles of work in museum and gallery institutions, reads Polish and foreign texts in the field of contemporary museology and exhibitions, actively participates in exhibitions and cooperates in their organization with local cultural institutions, knows the rules of preparing exhibition projects, and obtaining funds for their financing, acquires and analyzes information necessary to work in curatorial teams and when creating cultural projects, writes and edits informational, promotional and critical texts in Polish and a foreign language regarding the work of individual artists and exhibitions from various fields of culture.
Assessment criteria
The possibility of approaching the course is determined by attendance (also in the field) and taking the floor in discussions. Development of characteristics and presentation of methods of operation of a selected museum institution. Students work in groups of two. Work method: gathering information about the selected institution, visiting selected exhibitions, talking to the curator (if possible), presentation during classes.
Mieke Bal, Dyskurs muzeum, w: Muzeum sztuki. Antologia, red. M. Popczyk, Universitas, Kraków 2005.
Charles Baudelaire, Salon 1859, w: tegoż, O sztuce, wyb. Joanna Guze, PAN, Warszawa 1961
Walter Benjamin, Eduard Fuchs – zbieracz i historyk, w: Anioł Historii, Poznań 1999
Olga Drenda, Duchologia polska, Karakter, Kraków 2016.
Dorota Folga-Januszewska, Muzealnictwo, muzeologia, muzeografia, „Muzealnictwo” 2006 nr 47
Beata Frydryczak, Sztuka jako kolekcja, Poznań 2002.
Andre Malreaux, Muzeum wyobraźni, w: Muzeum sztuki.
Piotr Piotrowski, Muzeum krytyczne, Rebis, Poznań 2011.
Jean Clair, Kryzys muzeów, przeł. J.M.Kłoczowski, słowo / obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2009
Maria Popczyk, Estetyczne przestrzenie ekspozycji muzealnych, Universitas, Kraków 2008
Hans Sedlmayr, Muzeum, wystawa, w: Muzeum sztuki.
Zdzisław Żygulski jun., Przemiany architektury muzeów, „Muzealnictwo” 2004 nr 45 (12)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: