History of Photography 08-KUDL-HFO
A course aims to present cultural meanings of photographical image. During lectures students learn about subsequent stages of technological development of medium and its cultural reception. Presented perspective includes a pre-history of photography and its relationship with previous "machines of vision" like camera obscura, Leonardo's "veil" and camera lucida. Photography is presented (regarding to Batchen's interpretation) not only as technology but a certain "desire" for image. Digital revolution is conceived as well as its influence on contemporary cultural meanings.
Photographical image dependence on changes in modern culture and its social context is emphasized.
Photography works not only "the oldest within new media" but as a characteristic "code" of modernity that is employed in processes of social communication.
The topics are presented in interdisciplinary perspectives: visual studies, visual sociology and visual anthropology. Photography is presented not only as an object for further researches (like in historical approach, but as a method that can help in recognizing cultural and social meanings.
The theoretical concepts are accompanied with projections of examples of photographic practice: both professional and amateurs in regard to functioning of photography within artistic and social discourses.
Photography is understood as, co called, expanded photography and interplaying with other disciplines of images: arts, films, performances as well as popular cultures practices: advertisement and propaganda images.
Students are expected to analyse and interpret contemporary photography in regard to most important historic texts about photography (Baudelaire or Benjamin) and read it together with contemporary culture analyses (Sekula, Tagg, Hall).
Expected result of a course is preparing a short 10 min presentation of a chosen photograph. Presentation should include: analyses of formal aspects of an image and an attempt of its interpretation in context of theoretic issues.
Course coordinators
Barthes R., Światło obrazu, Warszawa 1996.
Batchen G., Burning with desire, Londyn 1997.
Bazin A., Ontologia obrazu fotograficznego, w: Film i rzeczywistość, Warszawa 1963.
Benjamin W., Mała historia fotografii, w: Anioł Historii, oprac. Hubert Orłowski., Poznań 1996.
Flusser V., Ku filozofii fotografii, Katowice 2004.
Müller-Pohle A., Analogizacja Digitalizacja Projekcja, "Format" 24-25.
Olechnicki K., Antropologia obrazu, Warszawa 2003.
Rouille A., Fotografia. Między dokumentem a sztuką współczesną, Kraków 2007.
Sekula A., Reading an archive, [in:] Photography/Politics: Two, eds. P.Holland, J.Spence, S.Watney, 1983.
Sikora S., Fotografia miedzy dokumentem a symbolem, Warszawa 2004.
Sobota A., Konceptualność fotografii, Bielsko-Biała 2004.
Sontag S., O fotografii, WAiF, Warszawa 1986.
Sontag S., Regarding the Pain of the Others, Londyn 2003.
Soulages F., Estetyka fotografii. Strata i zysk, Kraków 2007.
Stiegler B., Obrazy fotografii. Album metafor fotograficznych, Kraków 2009.
Tagg J., The Burden of Representation, Minneapolis 1988.
Additional information
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