Philosophy of Nature 08-FLDL-FIP
This topic aims to provide knowledge about main problems undertaken by contemporary philosophy of nature and outline world outlook, consistent with contemporary science. Moreover, students will be able to develop skill of philosophical interpretation of achievements such a sciences as physics, with astronomy and cosmology, chemistry, biology and psychology. LEARNING OUTCOMES. Upon completion of the course, students will have: the ability to read and understand scientific works about philosophy and methodology of natural sciences; skills to use properly basic notions and terminology in the field on philosophy of nature; comprehend and summarize scientific knowledge; compare different theoretical conceptions; prepare in class oral presentation; participation in discussions on scientific and philosophical problems.
Course coordinators
K. Ajdukiewicz, Zagadnienia i kierunki filozofii, Warszawa 2004
J. Barrow, Początek Wszechświata, Warszawa 1999
St. Hawking, Krótka historia czasu, Warszawa 1991
W. Heisenberg, Fizyka i filozofia, Warszawa 1965
M. Heller, Filozofia świata: wybrane zagadnienia i kierunki filozofii przyrody, Kraków 1992
P. Holbach, System przyrody, t. I, Warszawa 1957
Lukrecjusz, O naturze Wszechrzeczy, Warszawa 1957
Platon, Timajos, Warszawa 1986
J. Such, A. Szczuciński, M. Szcześniak, Filozofia kosmologii, Poznań 2000
Additional information
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