Studies on Prehistoric Art Symbolism 05-SSP-SL-f-Arch
The aim of this lecture is a presentation of studies concerning „symbols in action” carried out by archaeologists. First, they consist of issues regarding the understanding of terms: a sign, a symbol and symbolism. The research on symbolism starts with a common ground between archaeology and other humanities. Thus, symbolism is resolved into a social sphere of culture and on this ground a different ways of its interpretation are presented. Symbolism is connected to ritual and myth and that is why it is proposed to research it through rituals, and to a certain degree – also through myths. A work of symbols is presented on many levels and in a broad spectrum – relating to prehistoric and medieval art (especially “cave art” and Scandinavian and other rock engravings, as well as art of ancient Scythes, Germans and Slavs), funeral rituals as well as other ceremonial behaviors that can be traced through archaeological contexts.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The aim of this lecture is to propose a different grasp on archaeological sources. A classificatory-typological approach is avoided in order to promote different interpretation, namely symbolic side of people’s products and behaviors. A result is to convince students of the value of searching for new ways in creating images of the past. Students gain the skills necessary to move through new territories emerged on the junction between archaeology and humanities. They gain skills necessary to select knowledge concerning an issue in question as well as practical solutions that can be applied e.g. in popularization of archaeological knowledge.
Assessment criteria
Freeland C., 2001, But Is It Art?, Oxford (wyd. polskie Czy to jest sztuka? Wprowadzenie do teorii sztuki, R. Bartold, tł., Poznań 2004).
Hodder I., 1995, Czytanie przeszłości, Poznań.
Laming A., 1968, Skarby w grocie Lascaux, Warszawa.
Layton R. (ed.), 1994, Who Needs the Past? Indigenous Values and Archaeology. London.
Leroi-Gourhan A., 1965 Religie przedhistoryczne, Warszawa.
Maisonneuve J., 1995, Rytuały dawne i współczesne, Warszawa.
Mamzer H., 2004, Archeologia a dyskurs, Warszawa.
Kultura symboliczna w kręgu pól popielnicowych epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza w Europie Środkowej, B. Gediga, D. Piotrowska (red.), Warszawa-Wrocław-Biskupin, s. 45-54.
Montelle Y.- J., 2004, Paleoperfromace, Paris.
Pałubicka A., 1990, Kulturowy wymiar ludzkiego świata obiektywnego, Poznań.
Rozwadowski A., 1999, Kontekst interpretacyjny mitologii indoirańskiej w analizie naskalnej sztuki Azji Środkowej, Poznań.
Rozwadowski A., 2004, Symbols through time: interpreting the Rock art of Central Asia, Poznań.
Tilley Ch., 1999, Metaphor and Material Culture, Oxford.
Van der Leeuw G., 1997, Fenomenologia religii, Warszawa.
Van Gennep A., 2006, Obrzędy przejścia, Warszawa.
Additional information
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