Methods of Medieval „Art’s” Interpretation 05-MIS-11-HKK-ArchU
The content of the course is to acquaint the listeners with the aspects of the culture of particular regions of the medieval Europe. Especially, objects of pre-Romanesque and Romanesque architecture and craftsmanship, deriving from archaeological excavations are being discussed. Corresponding questions are being considered in relation to the antique traditions, while the emphasis is put on the contribution of early medieval societies’ culture.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student:
1) obtains fundamental knowledge on the history of artistic culture of particular regions of medieval Europe;
2) understands the significance of interdisciplinary research (especially related to archaeology, history and history of art) for the studies on the medieval culture;
3) posses the competences: to recognize medieval forms of sacral and secular architecture and particular categories of the craftsmanship products; to reconstruct fragmentary preserved art objects of the analyzed period and region; to comprehend reading of the subject literature; to handle correctly the basic concepts and terms of this field; to interpret the obtained sources in the broader cultural context.
Assessment criteria
Credit based on attendance and final test with mark.
Architektura romańska w Polsce. Nowe odkrycia i interpretacje, Gniezno 2009;
H. Kóčka-Krenz, Biżuteria północno-zachodnio-słowiańska we wczesnym średniowieczu, Poznań 1993;
P. Skubiszewski, Sztuka Europy łacińskiej od VI do IX wieku, Lublin 2001;
Z. Świechowski, Architektura romańska w Polsce, Warszawa 2000.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: