Europe in the 2nd half of the I. Millennium 05-EPT-23-HKK-ArchU
The aim of the course is to look at medieval inhabitants of Europe, especially using historical and archaeological evidence of their material and non-material culture, as well as to emphasise developmental differences with regard to various traditions in particular areas of the continent.
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student:
1) obtains advanced knowledge on historic and cultural processes in medieval Europe. The issues discussed during the course include: shaping of feudal society and its economy; forms of rural settlement (including castles); reestablishment (or establishment) of towns with their infrastructure; meaning and types of far-reaching contacts between people; archaeological evidence of secular and ecclesiastical culture in particular areas of Europe.
The student:
2) understands social and cultural connections within medieval Europe, reasons and consequences of their interactions, as well as meaning of interdisciplinary research (i.e. Archaeology, History, History of Art) in recognition of the Middle Ages.
The student:
3) posses the competences to recognise medieval forms of settlement in various areas of Europe and elements of material culture of various European societies; to use results of related disciplines in archaeological recognition of medieval times; to employ specialist notions and terms related to the subject; to interpret the obtained sources in the broader cultural context.
Assessment criteria
J. Le Goff, Kultura średniowiecznej Europy, Warszawa 1970;
L. Kajzer, Zamki i społeczeństwo, Łódź 1993;
J.W. Kowalski, Świat mnichów i zakonów, Warszawa 1978;
J. Piekalski, Wczesne domy mieszczan w Europie Środkowej. Geneza – funkcja – forma, Wrocław 2004;
J. Strzelczyk, Szkice średniowieczne, Poznań 1987;
Zamek i dwór w średniowieczu od XI do XV wieku, Poznań 2001.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: