Europe in the 2nd half of the I. Millennium 05-EPT-23-AS-ArchU
The course provides students with knowledge of ethnic identity of tribes peopling Central and Northern Europe in the Middle Ages and early modern times; the course discuss selected issues concerning material and symbolic cultures of the Avars, Magyars, Old Prussians, Scandinavians, and Jews; the course regards the issue of so called ‘imports’ and imitations of ‘alien’ items and their implementation in the area of today’s Poland. Presentation of artefacts included.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) gain the advanced knowledge of: (a) selected issues concerning the cultures of the Avars, Magyars, Old Prussians, Scandinavians, and Jews ; (b) some ‘imports’ discovered in the territory of today’s Poland ; (c) possible examples of implementation of ‘alien’ innovations and their dating ; (d) ways how to deal with such kind of artefacts in situ (including presentation of selected artefacts during the course).
2) Students gain the understanding of: (a) used terminology; (b) significance of research regarding the early medieval cultures of the Avars, Magyars, Old Prussians, and Scandinavians, as well as the medieval and early modern culture of the Jews; (c) influence these cultural centres had on/in Poland.
3) Students gain the skills necessary to: (a) recognise some ‘alien’ elements in archaeological data (burial customs, artefacts); (b) recognise where those ‘imports’ originated from; (c) understand scientific papers concerning the discussed issues, summarise them and make comments; (e) formulate conclusions; (f) work individually and in a research group.
Assessment criteria
Final test; active participation in classes.
Wschodniej, Warszawa 2006; P. Fijałkowski, Obrzędy pogrzebowe Żydów polskich w XVI-XIX w. w świetle badań archeologicznych, [w:] Funeralia Lednickie, Spotkanie nr 5 (red. W. Dzieduszycki, J. Wrzesiński), Poznań 2003, s. 361-371; H. Kóčka-Krenz, Złotnictwo skandynawskie IX-XI wieku, Poznań 1983; M. Miśkiewicz, Europa wczesnego średniowiecza V-XIII wieku, Warszawa 2008; Ł. Okulicz-Kozaryn, Dzieje Prusów, Wrocław 1997; W. Szymański, E. Dąbrowska, Awarzy. Węgrzy, Wrocław 1979; J. Wyrozumski, Żydzi w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 1991; J. Żak, „Importy” skandynawskie na ziemiach zachodniosłowiańskich od IX do XI wieku, cz. I i II, Poznań 1967.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: