Archaeological heritage and tourism in Poland and Europe_2 05-DAT2-12-Arch-dz1
Themes that will be addressed during this course are as follows:
a) cultural tourism and its forms, with an emphasis placed on those related to archaeological heritage;
b) archeological tourism and mutual relationship between tourism and archaeology;
c) different forms of presentation of archaeological sites, archaeological monuments, historical sites and landscapes;
d) examples of touristic uses of elements of archaeological heritage in Poland and in Europe;
e) potentials and threats generated by development of tourism to archaeology and archaeological heritage.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The course aims to present students mutual relationship between archaeology and cultural heritage tourism, in the context of either more theoretical issues as well as practical implementations and initiatives in this respect.
During the course the student:
1) gain the advanced knowledge of cultural heritage tourism as well as archaeological tourism; selected case studies will enable them to get familiar with forms and strategies of presentation of elements of archaeological heritage to the public;
2) gain the understanding differences between various forms of cultural heritage tourism and those related to archaeological heritage as well as problems generated on the one hand by the necessity of making archaeological heritage accessible and on the other by the need of its protection;
3) gain the skills necessary to classify particular initiatives undertaken within tourism that make use of elements of archaeological heritage; students gain also the skills necessary to properly estimate archaeological initiatives according to their touristic potential as well as determinate their weeks and strengths.
Assessment criteria
exam with mark
Florek M. 2008 Wprowadzenie do archeoturystyki ziemi sandomierskiej, w: T. Giergiel (red.), Archeoturystyka. Nowoczesny produkt turystyczny, Sandomierz, 17-28.
Jaskanis D. 1999 O potrzebie systemowego upowszechniania obiektów archeologicznych w turystyce kulturalnej, w: Z. Kobyliński (red.), Krajobraz archeologiczny. Ochrona zabytków archeologicznych jako form krajobrazu kulturowego, Warszawa, 24-39.
Kaczmarek K. 2009. Turystyka archeologiczna. Turystyka Kulturowa 1/2010, 5-14.
Malinowska-Sypek A., Sukniewicz D, Sypek R. 2010. Przewodnik archeologiczny po Polsce. Warszawa.
Mikos v. Rohrscheidt A. 2010. Turystyka kulturowa. Fenomen, potencjał, perspektywy: podręcznik akademicki. Poznań.
Okuliczowie Ł. J. 1961. Archeologia dla turystów, Warszawa.
Wrzesiński J. 2008. Archeologia: poznanie – popularyzacja – turystyka, w: H. Machajewski (red.) Wielkopolska w dziejach. Archeologia o regionie. Poznań, 173–184.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: