Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 05-ASE-24-Arch
A course for the students of Oriental and Classical Archaeology being a general introduction into the archaeology of pharaonic Egypt. Lectures are a diachronic presentation of architecture, art and burial customs, with their historical background. Classes concern basic issues: geography, geology, fauna and flora, religion, ideology of kingship, architecture, art, writing, literature, etc.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students gain knowledge of basic facts, development schemes and character of the Egyptian civilisation, as well as of the results of latest research. They are acquainted with the sources, terminology and research tools. It enables a conscious increasing of their knowledge in the future, and even (possibly) choosing the archeology of ancient Egypt as their field of work.
Assessment criteria
Oral exam (lecture), credit based on attendance, presentation and written essay and final written test (classes).
Arnold D., The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian Architecture, London 2003.
Baines J., J. Malek, Wielkie kultury świata - Egipt, Warszawa 1995.
Ćwiek A., Śmierć i życie w starożytnym Egipcie, Poznań 2005.
Herodot, Dzieje, tł. S. Hammer, Warszawa 1954.
Ikram S., Śmierć i pogrzeb w starożytnym Egipcie, Warszawa 2004.
Lipińska J., Sztuka starożytnego Egiptu, Warszawa 2008.
Manley B., 70 wielkich zagadek starożytnego Egiptu, Bielsko-Biała 2004.
Schulz R., M. Seidel (red.), Egipt. Świat faraonów, Kolonia 2001.
Shaw I., P. Nicholson, British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, London 1995.
Smith W. S., Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, (revised with additions by W. K. Simpson), New Haven - London 1998.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: