Archaeology of Regions and Cultures_part 3: pre-Roman - Roman and Medieval Europe 05-ARSK3-11-ArchU
Lecture "Archaeology of Regions and Cultures_part 3: pre-Roman - Roman and Medieval Europe" with one exam consisting of two parts, entitled:
- Crucial Problems in the Middle European Archaeology: pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age
- Crucial Problems in the European Medieval Archaeology
This course is intended for students who already have a substantial and appropriate background in Archaeology or other discipline (at the first degree level) accompanied by considerable maturity and knowledge essential for the development of their research topic.
Crucial Problems in the Middle European Archaeology: pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age
The content of the lecture is to present the process of formation of societies of European Barbaricum basing on the historical and archaeological sources. Particular emphasis is put on the causes of changes in the organizational structures, the causes of changes in the course of these social processes, as well as on characteristics the cultural features of these societies.
Crucial Problems in the European Medieval Archaeology
The content of the lecture is to present formation of societies of medieval Europe basing on the historical and archaeological sources. Particular emphasis is put on the causes of changes in the organizational structures, the course of these processes leading to the formation of the states as well as characteristics of their cultural features.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Crucial Problems in the Middle European Archaeology: pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age
The student:
1) obtains advanced knowledge on the history and culture of people inhabiting the territories of European Barbaricum in the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age;
2) understands the significance of interdisciplinary studies for the ancient history and processes forming culture those times;
3) posses skill to identify various products of material culture of particular societies inhabiting Europe in the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age to handle correctly basic concepts and terms; student posses skill to gather and use the obtained knowledge and to infer conclusions of synthetic character.
Crucial Problems in the European Medieval Archaeology
The student:
1) obtains advanced knowledge on the history and culture of people inhabiting the territories of Europe in the Middle Ages;
2) understands the significance of interdisciplinary studies for the medieval history and processes forming culture those times;
3) posses skill to identify various products of material culture of particular societies inhabiting Europe in the Middle Ages and to handle correctly basic concepts and terms; student posses skill to gather and use the obtained knowledge and to infer conclusions of synthetic character.
Assessment criteria
Crucial Problems in the Middle European Archaeology: pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age
B. Cunlife, Starożytni Celtowie, Warszawa 2003.
D. Gazda, Adrianopol 378. Rzeka Frigidus 394, Warszawa 2007.
D. Gazda, Pola Katalunijskie 451, Warszawa 2005.
A. Kokowski, Starożytna Polska, Warszawa 2005.
R.-P. Märtin, Die Varus Schlacht, Rom und die Germanen, Frankfurt am Main 2009.
L. Mrozewicz, Historia powszechna. Starożytność, Poznań 2008.
M. Olędzki, Wojny Markomańskie 162-185 n.e., Warszawa 2011.
V. Salač, J. Bemmann, Mitteleuropa zur Zeit Marbods, Praha, Bonn 2009.
Crucial Problems in the European Medieval Archaeology
Dąbrowski K., Nagrodzka-Majchrzyk T., Tryjarski E., Hunowie europejscy, Protobułgarzy, Chazarowie, Pieczyngowie, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1975;
Leciejewicz L., Nowa postać świata. Narodziny średniowiecznej cywilizacji europejskiej, Wrocław 2000;
Leciejewicz L., Normanowie, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk1979;
Strzelczyk J., Goci – rzeczywistość i legenda, Warszawa 1984;
Tabaczyńska E. (red.), Italia, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1980;
Zientara B., Świt narodów europejskich, Warszawa 1985.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: