Prehistory of Europe II (Neolithic) 05-APN-23-Arch
Chronologically, it covers the beginning of the Neolithic in the Near East and the period from the beginning of Neolithisation of Europe till the Globular Amphora Culture.
The lecture focuses on processes of Neolithisation in different geographical and environmental settings, in particular in Central Europe.
The classes pay main attention on details, including cultural and chronological determinants.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1) gains the basic knowledge of cultural situation in Europe and in the Mediterranean area in the Neolithic with particular focus on Central Europe;
2) gains the understanding of the importance of this Period in the cultural evolution;
3) gains the skills necessary to differentiate the main Neolithic cultures of Europe and correctly categorize materials from the Neolithic cultures from Polish territory.
Assessment criteria
Class participation, in-class presentation, final quiz, final oral exam.
- Czerniak L., Kośko A., Z badań nad genezą rozwoju i systematyką kultury pucharów lejkowatych na Kujawach, Poznań 1993.
- Hensel W., Wiślański T. (red), Prahistoria ziem polskich, t. II, Neolit, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1979.
- Jażdżewski K., Pradzieje Europy Środkowej, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1981.
- Kruk J., Gospodarka w Polsce południowo-wschodniej w V–III tysiącleciu p.n.e., Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk 1980.
- Kruk J., Milisauskas S., Rozkwit i upadek społeczeństw rolniczych neolitu, Kraków 1999.
- Nowak M., Drugi etap neolityzacji ziem polskich, Kraków 2009.
- Śliwa J. (red.), Wielka historia świata, t. 2, Stary i Nowy Świat. Od rewolucji „neolitycznej” do podbojów Aleksandra Wielkiego, Warszawa 2005.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: