Prehistory of Europe IV (Bronze Age, Early Iron Age) 05-APB-24-Arch
Presentation of main questions concerning the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age societies inhabiting Central and Northern Europe in II and I millennium BC, first of all the Tumulus, Urnfields and the Hallstatt culture communities. The classes fix attention on details, including cultural and chronological determinants.
Module learning aims
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student: 1) gains the basic knowledge of cultural situation in the Bronze and Early Iron Age in Europe with particular focus on Central and Northern part;
2) gains the understanding of the cultural role of bronze and iron;
3) gains the skills necessary to differentiate the main Bronze and Early Iron Age cultures of Europe and correctly categorize material finds from Polish territory.
Assessment criteria
Class participation, in-class presentation, final quiz, final exam.
Gedl M., Epoka brązu i wczesna epoka żelaza w Europie. Archeologia pierwotna i wczesnośredniowieczna III, Kraków 1985;
Chochorowski J., Hiperborejczycy wieku spiżu – epoka brązu poza zasięgiem wysokich cywilizacji w Europie. Łowcy i pasterze w dobie brązowego oręża – epoka brązu na obszarach Eurazji. Żelazny oręż barbarzyńców – wczesna epoka żelaza poza zasięgiem cywilizacji klasycznych, [w:] Encyklopedia Historyczna Świata, t. I. Prehistoria, Kraków 1999, s. 202 – 395;
Harding A. F., European Societies in the Bronze Age, Cambridge 2000;
Kristiansen K., Europe before history, Cambridge 2000;
Kristiansen K., Larsson T.B., The Rise of the Bronze Age Society, Cambridge 2005.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: