(in Polish) Physics II for Biology and non-Engineering 04-PHYS2BNE-STEM
1.Charge (Field), Coulomb’s Law, E (field lines), Electrons, protons, conservation of charge, Coulomb’s Law, conductors, applications
2.Van de Graaff, potential, V, Capacitors, E=-V/d, V=kQ/r, adding fields/lines, Q=CV or C=Q/V (farad); (parallel, series);
3.Ohm’s Law, (Circuits, Power, AC/DC), Circuits, Instruments
4.Quiz, Magnetism
6.Electromagnetic Induction, AC Circuits
7.RLC circuits… and beyond ,Electromagnetic Waves
8.Geometric Optics, Vision and Optical Instruments
9.Wave Optics
12.Quantum Physics + Atomic Physics
13.Atom Physics + Nuclear Physics, Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics
14.Particle Physics, Frontiers of Physics
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
5 100% - 91%
4+ 90% - 86%
4 85% - 76%
3+ 75% - 71%
3 70% - 60%
2 59% and less
Explanation (in brackets alternative mathematical notation )
5 (5.0) / A EXCELLENT – outstanding performance
4+ (4.5) / B+ VERY GOOD – above the average standard with only minor errors
4 (4.0) / B GOOD – generally sound work with some minor errors
3+ (3.5) / C+ SATISFACTORY – fair but with a number of notable errors
3 (3.0) / C SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
2 (2.0) / F FAILING
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: