(in Polish) Physics I (Newtonian Mechanics) 04-PHYS1NM-STEM
1 Class Overview, Syllabus, Nature of Science, Measurement, Uncertainty, Significant Figures, Units, Order of Magnitude Dimensional and Dimensional Analysis
2 Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration
3 1-D Kinematics, Free Fall
4 Vectors, 2-D Kinematics, Relative Motion
5 Force, Newton's 1st, 2nd, 3rd laws
6 Using Newton's laws
7 Uniform and Nonuniform Circular Motion
8 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, Gravity near the Earth's surface, Gravitational field
9 Exam 1, Ch. 1-5
10 Work, Scalar Product, Work-Energy Principle
11 Potential Energy, Conservation of Mechanical Energy
12 Dissipative Forces, Power, Momentum, Impulse
13 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
14 Center of Mass, Angular Quantities
15 Torques, Rotational Dynamics, Moments of Torques, Rotational Dynamics, Moments of Inertia, Rotational KE
16 Exam 2, Ch. 1-10
17 Angular Momentum, Vector Product, Conservation of Angular Momentum
18 Static Equilibrium
19 Fluid, Pressure, Pascal's Principle, Archimedes's Principle
20 Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli's Equation
21 Simple Harmonic Motion, Pendulum
22 Wave Properties
23 Superposition, Interference, Standing Wave
24 Sound Wave, Doppler Effect
25 Exam 3, Ch. 1-16
26 Temperature, Ideal Gas Law
27 Kinetic Theory of Gases
28 Heat, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law ofThermodynamics,
29 Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Heat Engines, Refrigerators
30 Final Exam, Cumulative
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Course module conducted remotely (e-learning)
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Module type
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students (Ss) will understand the idea of the physical quantity and processes. Identify measurement and theory as a basic source of the quantities value. Ss will operate on units and dimensions; be able to asses uncertainties, precission and accuracy of magnitudes. They will distinguish between scalar and vector properties.
Ss will be aware the role of mathematics in describing and interpreting physical phenomena. Ss will be able to use and derive appropriate
equations and transform them accordingly by means of algebra, calculus and trigonometry (intermediate level). They will know the techniques of producing figures and be ready to discuss information presented in graphical form.
Ss will know be able to define the crucial quantities of kinematics, statics and dynamics, e.g.:displacement, velocity, speed, acceleration (both
average and instantaneous), force, mechanical energies, momenta, torques, angular velocity, etc. They will know the idea of reference frame,
relative motion and velocities. Ss will state, explain and apply laws of dynamics, principles of conservation of energy and momenta as well as
Newton's law of universal gravity. They will recognize typical kinds of motion (in one and twodimensions), types of forces and energies; be able to determine their evolution in time and predict results of their influence.
Ss will acquire knowledge about the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of liquids and fluids and relevant quantities or processes: buoyancy, pressure, viscosity, streamline, laminar and turbulent flow. They will understand and be prepared to use the laws of Pascal, Archimedes, Torricelli and Bernoulli and related equations.
Ss should define and describe different types of oscillatory and wave motion (simple harmonic oscillators, transverse and longitudinal waves). They will also know related parameters: period, frequency, wavelength, amplitude, phase… characterizing the phenomena and could describe them in terms of mathematical representation. Ss will also comprehend the nature of sound waves and their specific behavior: Doppler effect, shock waves, resonance.
Ss will be able to discuss basics of thermo-dynamics, i.e. the quantities used in this field: heat, temperature, entropy, internal energy, specific and latent heat. They will also know the explanation of the thermodynamic properties on the
grounds of the microscopic theoretical approach: i.e. kinetic model of ideal gases. Fundamental principles of the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics will be also comprehended.
Ss will be able to indicate examples of practical application of the physics they have learnt in engineering, medicine, art, etc.
Assessment criteria
Very good (bdb; 5,0): 94% ≤ bdb ≤ 100%; 4.6 ≤ bdb
Good plus (+db; 4,5): 88% ≤ db+ < 94% 4.2 ≤ db+ < 4.6
Good (db; 4,0): 82% ≤db< 88% 3.8 ≤ db < 4.2
Satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): 76% ≤ dst+ < 82% 3.4 ≤ dst+ < 3.8
Satisfactory (dst; 3,0): 70%≤ dst < 76% 3.0 ≤ dst < 3.4
Unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): < 70% ndst < 3.0
5 (5.0) / A EXCELLENT – outstanding performance
4+ (4.5) / B+ VERY GOOD – above the average standard with only minor errors
4 (4.0) / B GOOD – generally sound work with some minor errors
3+ (3.5) / C+ SATISFACTORY – fair but with a number of notable errors
3 (3.0) / C SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
2 (2.0) / F FAILING
1. D. C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics, Forth Edition, Vol. 1, Pearson Prentice Hall, ©2008.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: