Poetics with Analysis of a Literary Work 03-PIA-12SPDL
Students:1) obtain the standard knowledge of: the structure of literary work involving different levels of textual analysis that concern verse design, stylistics and rhetoric, composition and genres. Introduction to advanced literary terms (i.e. displaced accent, Spenserian stanza, amplification, concatenation, cento etc.). Concretization of literary work (analysis, interpretation, evaluation); 2) achieve the understanding of: major tasks of poetics in literary studies; the variety of approaches to literature in accordance to methodological aspects of reading; 3) gain the skills necessary to: work with a literary text; comprehend and summarize scholarly articles, as well as comment upon them; use properly basic literary terminology; conduct the library querry and research; contextualize acquired knowledge; compare different literary methodologies; summarize discussions and draw conclusions; work with others.
A. Kulawik, Poetyka. Wstęp do teorii dzieła literackiego. 2 wyd. poprawione. 1994.
M. R. Mayenowa, Poetyka teoretyczna. 1974.
R. Nycz, Teoria interpretacji: problem pluralizmu. [W:] idem, Tekstowy świat. Poststrukturalizm a wiedza o literaturze. 1993.
J. Ziomek, Retoryka opisowa. 1990.
Czas i przestrzeń w prozie polskiej XIX i XX wieku. Red.: Cz. Niedzielski, J. Speina. 1990.
Słownik terminów literackich. Pod red. J. Sławińskiego. 3 wyd. poprawione i poszerzone. 2000.
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