Balkan Auxiliary Studies 03-NPB-12BADL
Student will gain the basic knowledge of different kinds of ethnographical filedwork methods (considering the European and American tradition of this discipline) and the main limitation connected with their usefulness and practice.
Student will understand. the difference between individual methods (qualitative techniques), the difference between qualitative and quantitative techniques in ethnographical fieldworks; scheme of constructing a questionnaire, ethnographer's role during participant observation, ethical rules connected with ethnographical fieldwork.
Students will be able to: construct a questionnaire in a basic degree, do fieldnotes, analyze and interpret data and use the main rules of relativisation.
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Cycle of studies
Module type
Year of studies (where relevant)
A. Burzyńska, M. P. Markowski, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Podręcznik. Kraków 2007.
A. Burzyńska, M. P. Markowski, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Antologia. Kraków 2007.
A. Burzyńska, Dekonstrukcja i interpretacja. Kraków 2001.
M. P. Markowski, Nietzsche. Filozofia interpretacji. Kraków 1999.
A. Łebkowska, Między teoriami a fikcją literacką. Kraków 2001.
S. Fish, Interpretacja, retoryka, polityka. Przeł. A. Szahaj. Kraków 2002.
S. Greenblatt, Poetyka kulturowa. Pisma wybrane. Redakcja i wstęp K. Kujawińska- Courtney. Kraków 2006.
Additional information
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