Balkans as a Cultural and Ethnic Region 03-BRKE-12BADL
Students: 1) gain the basic knowledge of cultural and ethnic markers of contemporary Balkan's cultures; 2) gain the understanding of : specific of anthropological analyses, sense of relations between different elements of culture; 3) gain the skills necessary to: comprehend and summarize scholarly articles from the range of ethnology and social anthropology, use properly basic ethnological/anthropological terminology; prepare in class oral presentations; conduct the library querry and research; contextualize acquired knowledge; compare different literary theories; summarize discussions and draw conclusions.
"Blood and Homeland": Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900-1940, M. Turda (red.), Herndon 2006.
A. Bošković, Anthropology in Unlikely Places: Yugoslav Ethnology Between the Past and the Future, w: Other People's Anthropologies. Ethnographic Practice on the Margins, A. Bošković (red.), New York 2008.
I. Čolović, Bałkany - terror kultury, przeł. M. Pertyńska, Wołowiec 2007.
M. Elchinova, Sociocultural Anthropology in Bulgaria: Desired and Contested, w: Other People's Anthropologies. Ethnographic Practice on the Margins, op. cit.
D. Kaplan, Grecja - kochanka Zachodu, narzeczona Wschodu, w: (tegoż) Bałkańskie upiory. Podróż przez historię, przeł. J. Ruszkowski, Wołowiec 2010.
Kultura tradycyjna w życiu współczesnej rodziny wiejskiej. Z polskich i serbskich badań etnologicznych, Z. Jasiewicz, P. Vlahović (red.), Poznań 1986.
И. Koвaчeвиђ, Cemиoлoгиja mиta и pиtyaлa, Бeoгpaд 2001, t. 1-3.
Ottomans Turks and the Balkans: Empire Lost Relations Altered, E. Boyar (red.), London 2007.
Ch. Wakarelski, Etnografia Bułgarii, przeł. K. Simczijew, Wrocław 1965.
A. Young, Women Who Became Men: Albanian Sworn Virgins, New York 2000.
S. Zinovieff, Myśliwi i zwierzyna. Kamaki a wieloznaczność seksualnych łowów w pewnym greckim mieście, przeł. K. Świstow, w: Gender. Perspektywa antropologiczna, R. E. Hryciuk, E. Kościańska (red.), Warszawa 2007.
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