The Canon of Central European Literature 03-AP-CCE
Course learning content:
- presentation of Central European literature in chronological and typological terms; showing the most important writers and their work (e.g. F. Kafka, B. Schulz, R. Musil, D. Kiš, W. Gombrowicz, J. Hašek, B. Hrabal, M. Kundera, Cz. Miłosz. G. Konrád, P. Esterházy etc.),
- showing relations between Central European literature of 20th and 21st century and periods and trends in European literature, displaying identification and differentiation planes/fields,
- the range, position and meaning of Central European literature in the context of Slavonic, European and world culture,
- presentation of discussed literary phenomena against the background of historical, political and social events; political and historical determinants of Central European literature,
- presentation of discussed literary phenomena in interdisciplinary context,
- discussion on the suggested literature in the light of critical studies,
- analysis and interpretation of texts representing the canon of Central European literature,
- presentation of the most important trends in Central European literature (genres, themes, motives).
Module learning aims
Methods of teaching for learning outcomes achievement
Student workload (ECTS credits)
Module type
(in Polish) Sylabus zajęć
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- define and describe at the basic level trends and phenomena of Central European literature; name them in synchronic and diachronic terms;
specify a place of Central European literature in a wider European context,
- relate and compare different literary, historical, cultural, political and social phenomena, motivate their influence on the shape of modern Central European culture; construe chosen literary works and phenomena in historical and literary context; basing on gained knowledge; understand other cultures,
- discuss and interpret the work of the most important Central European writers (such as for example: F. Kafka, B. Schulz, R. Musil, D. Kiš, W. Gombrowicz, J. Hašek, B. Hrabal, M. Kundera, Cz. Miłosz. G. Konrád, P. Esterházy),
- compile knowledge gained during the classes, develop, clarify and reconstruct the literary history phenomena,
- interpret and analyze literary works, refer to gained knowledge in terms of philology, literature, history and culture, literary genres, epochs etc.,
- justify his/her own interpretative theses, develop them and explain them in the group, sum up and conclude his / her reading experience,
- build coherent, critical-literary comment (written or spoken), can find adequate sources of information, competently and functionally use knowledge from lectures and other sources.
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria:
bery good (bdb; 5,0): very good knowledge of the content discussed during classes, very good ability to analyze and interpret literary texts, very good ability to formulate judgments (orally and in writing) on Central European literature and culture.
good plus (+db; 4,5): as above, with some slight deficiencies.
good (db; 4,0): wider range of deficiencies is possible: student presents weaker ability to analyze and interpret, weaker ability to formulate judgments (orally and in writing) on Central European literature and culture.
satisfactory plus (+dst; 3,5): satisfactory knowledge of the content discussed during the classes, satisfactory ability to analyze and interpret the literary texts, satisfactory ability to formulate judgments (orally and in writing) on Central European literature.
satisfactory (dst; 3,0): as above, with some deficiencies.
unsatisfactory (ndst; 2,0): deficiency off knowledge and skills mentioned above.
Reading list:
„Kafka. Kwartalnik Środkowoeuropejski” (wybrane numery).
Bakuła B., Historia i komparatystyka. Szkice o literaturze i kulturze Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej XX wieku, Poznań 2000.
Bobrownicka M., Pogranicza w centrum Europy, Kraków 2003.
Czyżewski K., Linia powrotu. Zapiski z pogranicza, Sejny 2008.
Fiut A., Być (albo nie być) Środkowoeuropejczykiem, Kraków 1999.
Hrabal, Kundera, Havel… Antologia czeskiego eseju, oprac. J. Baluch, Kraków 2001.
Kardyni-Pelikánová K., Osobliwości środkowoeuropejskiej przestrzeni literackiej: ironiczni moraliści i ludyczni myśliciele, „Porównania” nr 8, 2011, s. 17–32.
Kiss C.G., Lekcja Europy Środkowej, Kraków 2009.
Kroutvor J., Europa Środkowa: anegdota i historia, w: Hrabal, Kundera, Havel… Antologia czeskiego eseju, oprac. J. Baluch, Kraków 2001.
Miłosz Cz., Rodzinna Europa, Paryż 1959.
Narodowy i ponadnarodowy model kultury. Europa Środkowa i Półwysep Bałkański, red. B. Zieliński, Poznań 2002.
Problemy tożsamości kulturowej w krajach słowiańskich, t. 1, 2, 3, red. J. Goszczyńska, Warszawa 2003–2005.
Zieliński B., Europa Środkowa, czyli Arkadia, Atlantyda i Jeruzalem, [w:] Narodowy i ponadnarodowy model kultury, red. B. Zieliński, Poznań 2002.
Additional information
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